Hi everyone, little bit of fun for you here. Lauren from Lauren Is Dead Wrong has nominated me for the Liebster award .
From what I gather from her blog post it's a tag award aimed at newbie bloggers to try and give them a bit more recognition and following. The rules are as follows:
1, Display the award on your blog.
2, Thank the person who nominated you.
3, Answer the taggers 11 questions.
4, Nominate some more newbie bloggers with 200 followers or less.
I think it's a fantastic way of discovering new blogs and helping new bloggers to get a bit more noticed. So here are Lauren's questions.
1. One thing you can't leave the house without.
My phone, I'd feel completely lost if I didn't have it with me!
2. If you were a superhero, what super powers would you have?
I'd like to be able to change my appearance at whim to anything I wanted.
3. On a night out would you grab a clutch bag or a over the shoulder strappy one?
Depends on the venue, if I was going out for a nice meal I'd be more tempted to take a clutch but if I was going to a club I would prefer a shoulder strap.
4. Ridiculous/weird celebrity crush
Benedict Cumberbatch, is that weird? I don't know :S
5. Biggest achievement?
I'm part of my salons team for the L'Oreal Colour trophy, helping to style models on a photo shoot for our entries.
6. Cereal: better at breakfast or any other time of the day?
I don't like cereal! I use to get those Mornflake squares I think they were called and have them dry in a bowl but I don't like milk so never eat cereal properly. I do like the occasional bowl of Ready Brek though.
7. If you could be on the cover of a magazine, which one would you choose?
I think Harpers Bazaar probably. The style tends to be a bit wilder than some other magazines.
8. What is the nicest thing anyone has done for you?
So many people have done too many nice things for me. Especially since my boyfriend and I moved into our own home and had absolutely nothing.
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Disneyland I think, it's just so magical and carefree. If I was being a grown up going on a grown up holiday I would probably like to go to Japan because it just fascinates me.
10. The one song you just can't get out of your head at the moment.
Stevie Nicks: Edge of Seventeen, old but amazing :)
11.The one food you could never give up!
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!!
So I'm nominating,Alice, Niamh,Anna, Cayla Anne, Queen Beady, Jane and Awkwardgirlx and my questions are:
1, What is your day to day go to hairstyle?
2, What hair product could you not live without?
3, If you could change your hair colour to any colour what would it be?
4, Describe your ideal holiday.
5, What's your favourite thing to do to de-stress?
6, What is your biggest achievement to date?
7, What one crazy thing would you like to accomplish in your lifetime?
8, Name one thing that never leaves your handbag.
9, Post a picture of something you're currently coveting.
10, List one thing you have learned recently.
11, What is your favourite website?
Again no pressure to do it but if you do please link me back in the posts!